How to shutdown the system using python

Warning--please close all the running application before executing the code because it will immediately shutdown the system ,otherwise your unsaved work might get lost.

# Python Program to Shutdown the Computer

import os

#if the user press y then the system will get shutdown
value = input("Do you Want to shutdown your computer ? (y/n): ")

if value == 'y':
os.system("shutdown /s /t 1")

Shutting down the system at a particular time
# Python Program to Shutdown the Computer at a given time
import os
from datetime import datetime

#input the time in 24 hr format if your computer timing is in 24 hr format
#example 16:36 or 10:04

value = input("Input the time : ")

#it will fetch the current time
now =

#to extract the time in hour and minutes
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
if value == current_time:
os.system("shutdown /s /t 1")

Restart the System
# Python Program to Shutdown the Computer

import os

#if the user press y then the system will get restart
value = input("Do you Want to shutdown your computer ? (y/n): ")

if value == 'y':
os.system("shutdown /r /t 1")


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